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Healthcare in Tilburg 

In the Netherlands, you first need to go to a GP if you have health issues. This doctor can treat you straight away, or refer you to a specialist if that is necessary. If you need medical assistance outside of office hours or over the weekend, go to the out-of-hours GP service. Call 112 in the event of a life-threatening emergency. You are free to choose a GP of your choice in the Netherlands. But there is a severe shortage of GPs in the Netherlands, including in this area. Some GPs are temporarily unable to take on any new patients. So always check whether the GP can take you on as a new patient when you come to live in a new city or town. Check this on arrival, not when you need a GP.  

GP practice

There are various GP practices in Tilburg where you can register. In the Netherlands, you first go to the GP, who will assist you further. For example, you can go to the GP for:

Life-threatening emergency

If you or someone else needs urgent medical assistance, call the emergency number 112. You should also call this number in the event of fire, or if you witness a crime. When you call 112, provide the following information:

Do I need to go to the doctor?

Sometimes it's difficult to decide whether you need to go to the doctor. Via the website www.moetiknaardedokter.nl you can answer a number of questions to determine whether you need to go to the doctor. In doubt? Then always call your own GP.